Model and analyze geo-engineering projects with finite element analysis in 2D

PLAXIS 2D is a user-friendly, finite-element package that provides you with the ability to model diverse geotechnical problems from a single, integrated application. You can analyze the deformation and stability of projects ranging from excavations, embankments, and foundations to tunneling, mining, and geomechanics.
We offer various versions of PLAXIS 2D, so you can choose which one is best for you:
• PLAXIS 2D Advanced
• PLAXIS Ultimate
• PLAXIS WorkSuite

What is PLAXIS 2D?
PLAXIS 2D is a powerful and user-friendly finite-element (FE) software for 2D analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. PLAXIS 2D is ideal for a range of applications from excavations, embankments, and foundations to tunneling, mining, oil and gas, and reservoir geomechanics.
PLAXIS 2D includes all the essentials to perform deformation and safety analysis for soil and rock that do not require the consideration of creep, steady state groundwater or thermal flow, consolidation analysis, or any time-dependent effects.
User-friendly, Finite Element Software
PLAXIS capabilities work together to build a powerful and intuitive finite element package for geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, and associated structures. Renowned for sound computation, PLAXIS offers a large range of material models to accurately model the behavior of various soils and rock types, which together provide realistic assessment of stresses and displacements.
Fast and Efficient, Finite Element Model Creation
PLAXIS guides users across several modes to efficiently create models with a logical geotechnical workflow. PLAXIS 2D models geometry via predefined structural element types and loading types using CAD-like drawing capabilities that lead to fast and efficient finite-element model creation.
For tunnel solutions, a designer wizard builds off quick creation and can edit tunnel cross-sections, specify reinforcements, tunnel lining, and loading conditions. The Mesh mode features automatic and manual mesh refinements, automatic generation of irregular and regular meshes, and capabilities to inspect the mesh quality.
Drive efficiency with multidiscipline workflows
Create logical geotechnical digital workflows that take projects from subsurface imports through design and analysis to various outputs.

What is PLAXIS 2D Advanced?
PLAXIS 2D Advanced includes everything that is included in PLAXIS 2D, plus it further enhances your geotechnical design capabilities with more advanced features and material models. You can consider creep, flow-deformation coupling through consolidation analysis and steady state groundwater or heat flow. It also solves your problems faster than PLAXIS 2D with the multicore solver.

What is PLAXIS 2D Ultimate?
PLAXIS 2D Ultimate extends the capabilities of PLAXIS 2D Advanced, so you can deal with the most challenging geotechnical projects.
• Analyze the effects of vibrations in the soil, such as earthquake and traffic loads
• Simulate complex hydrological time-dependent variations of water levels, or flow functions on model or soil boundaries
• Assess the effect of transient heat flow on the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of soil

What is PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite?
PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite includes everything that you get with PLAXIS 2D Ultimate, plus you get PLAXIS 2D LE. It’s the most comprehensive 2D option.
Since it includes PLAXIS 2D LE, you can also model and analyze projects for limit equilibrium slope stability analysis and perform finite element analysis of groundwater seepage in both unsaturated and saturated soils.

Features PLAXIS 2D PLAXIS 2D Advanced PLAXIS 2D Ultimate
Calculation Types
K0 Procedure initial calculation type
Gravity Loading initial calculation type
Field Stress initial calculation type
Flow Only initial calculation type 
Plastic deformation calculation type
Safety deformation calculation type
Consolidation deformation calculation type
Dynamic deformation calculation type
Dynamic with consolidation deformation calculation type
Fully coupled flow-deformation calculation type 
Phreatic Level pore pressure calculation type
Use Pore Pressures from Previous Phase pore pressure calculation type
Steady-State Groundwater Flow pore pressure calculation type
Transient Groundwater Flow pore pressure calculation type
Ignore Temperature thermal pressure calculation type
Earth Gradient thermal pressure calculation type
Steady-State Thermal Flow thermal pressure calculation type
Use Temperatures from Previous Phase thermal pressure calculation type X
Transient Thermal Flow thermal pressure calculation type X
Soil and rock material models PLAXIS 2D PLAXIS 2D Advanced PLAXIS 2D Ultimate
Linear Elastic
Hardening Soil
Hardening Soil Small Strain Stiffness
Modified Cam-Clay
Jointed Rock Model
Hoek-Brown, with parameter guide
Soft Soil
Soft Soil Creep
Sekiguchi-Ohta  (viscid)
Sekiguchi-Ohta  (inviscid)
UDCAM-S and cyclic accumulation tool
UBC3D-PLM (liquefaction)
User-Defined soil and rock models PLAXIS 2D PLAXIS 2D Advanced PLAXIS 2D Ultimate
SHANSEP Mohr-Coulomb X
Overconsolidated Clay
Visco-Elastic Perfectly Plastic
Generalised Hardening Soil
Hypoplastic Model with Inter-Granular Strain
Swelling Rock
Isotropic Jointed Rock with Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion
Hoek-Brown with Softening (strength softening and GSI softening models)
N2PC-MCT Rock Creep (Norton-based double power creep with Mohr-Coulomb and tension cut-off failure surface) 
Frozen and Unfrozen Soil
Barcelona Basic Model
Clay And Sand Model (CASM)
Interoperability PLAXIS 2D PLAXIS 2D Advanced PLAXIS 2D Ultimate
Generate stratigraphy from imported CPT logs
PLAXIS 2D to 3D converter
Import Leapfrog cross sections from Seequent Central
Automatic geotechnical model generation from/by OpenTunnel Designer
CAD import and export
Remote scripting for input, output, and SoilTest
ProjectWise integration, loading from and saving to ProjectWise server

PLAXIS 2D includes all the essential functionalities to perform everyday deformation and safety analysis for soil and rock that do not require the consideration of creep, steady state groundwater or thermal flow, consolidation analysis, or any time-dependent effects.
LAXIS 2D Advanced
PLAXIS 2D Advanced includes everything that is included in PLAXIS 2D, plus it offers more advanced features and material models to consider creep, flow-deformation coupling through consolidation analysis and steady state groundwater or heat flow. It also solves your problems faster with the multicore solver
. • Model diverse geotechnical problems
• Create FE models quickly and efficiently
• Simulate various types of soil and rock behavior
• Achieve consistently accurate results
• Conduct powerful and versatile post processing
PLAXIS 2D Ultimate
Extend the capabilities of PLAXIS 2D Advanced with additional capabilities for analyzing the effects of vibrations in the soil, such as earthquake and traffic loads; simulate complex hydrological, time-dependent variations of water levels, or flow functions on model or soil boundaries; and assess the effect of transient heat flow on the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of soil.
• Dynamic Modeling
• Groundwater Flow Analysis
• Thermal Modeling
PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite
PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite is the most comprehensive option of PLAXIS 2D which includes PLAXIS 2D Ultimate and PLAXIS 2D LE. PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite integrates the powerful and user-friendly finite element and limit equilibrium analysis capabilities of PLAXIS applications for the design and analysis of soil, rock, and associated structures.