Design and Analyze Sewer Systems
• Versatile Analysis: Evaluate gravity flows, overflows, flow diversions, pump stations, and force mains using diverse calculation methods for both dry and wet weather conditions. Perform comprehensive stormwater system analyses, including inlet capture, bypass flows, gutters, detention facilities, open channels, and culverts.
Scenario Management
• Unlimited Scenarios: Configure, assess, and visualize an infinite number of scenarios within a single file. Enhance decision-making by comparing different design and operational strategies.
Interoperable Hydraulic Modeling
• Unified Data Access: Work across multiple platforms with a shared data source to optimize urban sewer planning and overflow remediation analysis within an intuitive environment.
1D/2D Hydraulic Analysis
• Integrated Analysis: Use user-friendly tools to connect 1D network elements with 2D surface flows for a comprehensive understanding of flooding depth, velocity, hazard levels, and inundation times.
Multiple 1D Hydraulic Solver Options
• Dynamic Analysis: Perform dynamic 1D analyses using Saint-Venant equations. Utilize the GVF-Convex solver for peak flow analysis, automatic storm sewer design, or extended-period simulations.
Loading Allocation and Estimation
• Accurate Flow Modeling: Model daily flow variations and incorporate wet weather runoff using built-in or user-defined rainfall distributions.
OpenFlows Sewer incorporates the functionalities of OpenFlows SewerGEMS and SewerCAD for a complete sewer system management solution.