Get to know ProjectWise, Powered by iTwin

Project delivery has never been more complex. Move beyond engineering work-in-progress to digital delivery for more efficient, collaborative, and sustainable infrastructure design.
Take advantage of digital twins and Bentley’s infrastructure schemas to leverage data across projects, maximize insights, learnings, and reuse from previous projects. With new tools to make the most of your data, ProjectWise makes it easy to innovate without disruption in the face of today’s complexities.


Supercharge your adoption of 3D digital design workflows leveraging the work you’re already doing. Evolve to a data-centric approach, taking advantage of digital twins and Bentley’s infrastructure schemas. Level up your deliverables, differentiate yourself with higher quality designs, and unlock new business opportunities.
• Create and synchronize digital twins during design and mobilize your data across the design lifecycle.
• Leverage the power of your data to deliver IoT ready deliverables.
• Use Bentley’s Infrastructure Schemas to align data from multiple disciplines.
• Improve design quality and bring real world context to your project by combining engineering and reality data in your models.
• Minimize project risk and resolve design issues with collaborative interdisciplinary design reviews.
• Explore new analysis options to meet client sustainability and carbon requirements.


Unleash the power of your intellectual property. Data-driven portfolio intelligence enables you to dramatically increase the efficiency, safety and quality of future projects, industrializing project delivery.
• Use intuitive searching and flexible hierarchies to easily find what you’re looking for across your portfolio. You can only learn from and reuse what you can find.
• Reduce design time from days to hours using cloud-based digital component management and library services.
• Drive standardization, automation, and the reuse of design objects for better quality designs
• Implement contextual best practices with workflows and templates fit for purpose to drive the standard use of your best practices.
• Leverage data across your portfolio to glean insights which can be used to develop new business models.


Your data is the essence of your organization. You generate mass amounts of data with your modern design tools and processes. Ensure your complex project team has secure access to the right information at the right time with extended data governance.

Secure the Value of Your Data with ProjectWise, Powered by iTwin

• Govern and deliver project information based on roles to ensure consistency within fluid teams.
• Safeguard your data with secure federated login that controls access to information based on user identity.
• Collaborate with supply chain partners using clearly defined data access and tasks lists.
• Enforce industry and project standards such as ISO19650 with automated graphical workflows.
• Manage data updates with smart workflows and templates that ensure information is filed correctly.


Without a built-for-purpose management solution, engineering work-in-progress (WIP) is susceptible to communication breakdowns, frequent delays, and costly rework. ProjectWise has been a leading solution to these challenges for over 20 years, and Bentley affirms its commitment to best-in-class infrastructure engineering WIP with more intuitive and integrated ProjectWise capabilities than ever. • Simplify collaboration with integrated co-authoring of Microsoft 365 documents.
• Establish design consistency across dispersed project teams with reference file management.
• Maintain project standards with managed workspaces.
• Position your firm for an easy transition to digital delivery.
• Ensure compliance with BIM requirements throughout the design process with change log history and a fully traceable audit trail.