Design Track Geometry
• Place tracks
- Follows rail standards; class, design speed, default curve radius, transition lengths
- Automatic cant application (cant equation)
- Best fit existing ground vertically or create a straight vertical alignment
- Template (typical cross-section) based approach
- Named tracks
• Place multitracks
- Select different templates
- Input offset between track
- Tracks work together, any edit done to main geometry updates the tracks
- Track geometries can also be individually modified
• Editing of horizontal alignment
- Insert PI, delete PI, move PI
- Edit curve radius graphically or precisely using heads-up text editing
• Editing of vertical alignment
- Insert PVI, Delete PVI, Move PVI
- Edit vertical curve length and slope graphically or precisely using heads-up text editing
• Template drop editing
- Easy editing of template drops and stationing
Design Yard/Station Areas
• Yard placement tool to create level ground elevations
- Select different templates with different widths
• Create offset geometries
- User defined offset values, follow vertical geometry
• Precise turnout definitions
- Extensive turnout library
- Crossing angles and defined turnout geometries
- Does not allow creation of arbitrary geometries
- Modify turnout locations
• Automatic snapping, horizontally and vertically
- Snapping to turnout geometries
- Snapping to end of track geometries
• Fit turnouts
- Fit turnouts to geometry intersections
- Creates precise turnouts, does not allow creation of arbitrary geometries
• Create crossovers
- Automatic placement of turnouts
- Separate start and end turnout definitions
Design Overhead Line Systems
• Place masts
- Mast placement based on design standards
- User-selected offset values
- Span lengths are based on horizontal curvature and design tables
• Place portals
- Portal placement based on design standards
- Tracks that will be electrified can be selected
- Automatic placement of cantilevers based on track geometries
• Create cantilevers
- Single and double cantilevers
- Automatic selection of push-pull configuration based on geometry and offset
• Create Wires
- Automatic wire creation
- Catenary, contact, and dropper wires
- Library-based encumbrance and stagger values
• Overlaps
- Maximum wire length input, automatic creation of wire overlaps
- Different overlap definitions for straight and curved sections
- Library based overlap definitions
- Manual overlap placement and removal
• Edit overhead line items
- Change offset and station of the masts and portals
- Change the selected mast and cantilever definition, push-pull configuration
- Automatic update of structures upon geometry modifications
Place Rail Signals
• Place railway signals using provided library
Assemble Context Data
• Import the following file types:
- Terrain Models (.DTM, .TIN)
- Raster DEM (.IMG, .DEM)
- Images (Ingr. TIFF / GEOTIFF (*.tif; *.tiff), Internet TIFF and TIFF64 (*.Itiff; *.itiff64), JPEG (*.Jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.jfif), JPEG 2000 (*.jp2; *.j2k; *.jpm), MrSID (*.sid), ERMapper Compressed Wavelets (*.ecw))
- GIS (SHP, Esri File Geodatabase, OpenStreetMap) can be mapped to ConceptStation objects and attributes
- Filter based on project extent, view, all, fence »» DGN as read-only
• Reference Reality Meshes (.3MX) from Bentley’s ContextCapture
• Reality Data Services
- 3D data (Terrain, Imagery, Roads, Rail, Hydro, Buildings)
Design Bridges
• Place bridges
- Simple two clicks bridge placement
- Number of supports automatically determined from the bridge length
- Can set girder type, support type, abutment type, wing walls
- Can set bridge deck template
• Edit bridges
- Simple editing of Horizontal and Vertical
- Change girder type, support type, abutment type, wing walls
- Change number of spans/supports, number of girder
- Rotate supports, move/skew abutment
Design Tunnels
• Place tunnels
- Simple two-clicks tunnel placement, using 3D or profile view
- Tunnel template automatically determined from the track template
- Creates entrance and exit portals
• Edit tunnels
- Simple editing of horizontal and vertical
- Buffer lengths
- Portal grading and offset
Railway Template
• Create new template
- Easy component-based creation
- Ballast and rail components
- Component material determines quantities and cost
• Manage template
- Duplicate, delete, copy/paste, rename
• Modify template
- Save change as copy
- Modify the entire design
Estimate Cost and Quantities
• Project cost overview
- High level overall design cost
- Includes allowance by default
• Detailed quantities/cost, listing cost items, and associated quantities for rail track and overhead line equipment
- Cut, fill, and ballast quantities
- Tunnel length, volume, and bridge
- Masts, portals based on types
- Single and double cantilevers
- Wire quantities
Interoperability with Detailed Civil Design
• Export to OpenRail
- Export ALG, IRD, ITL, TIN
- Supports geometry, template, template drop transition
• Export CAD model
- 3D DGN model
Place City Furniture
• Place and edit guardrails
- Ability to choose what symbol to use
- Ability to set offset from alignment.
- Ability to set offset from alignment
• Place and edit streetlights and other city furniture
- Ability to choose what symbol to use
- Ability to set offset from alignment
- Ability to set angle from alignment
Aerial Imageries
• Bing Map as images provider
• Real-time rendering
• Automatic train animation
• Adding cars, people, trees
• Changing atmospheric conditions, time (day, night), seasons
• Output high-end images, videos, and LiveCube (LumenRT)