Analysis and Design Features
• Conduct static and dynamic analyses for structures with moment frames, braced frames, shear walls, or any combination of these systems.
• Work with members made of various materials, including steel, concrete, or custom-defined materials.
• Automated mesh generation for walls and diaphragms.
• Analysis options for tension-only members, AISC 360 Direct Analysis Method, P-delta effects, and foundation springs.
• Support for rigid, semirigid, and flexible diaphragms, as well as construction sequence analysis and concrete creep and shrinkage considerations.
• Automatic generation of load combinations for steel and concrete designs based on specified codes.
• Automatic calculation of K-factors (effective length factors) and unbraced lengths, with options for user adjustments.
• Drift Control functionality to study and manage building drift behavior.
Static Load Generation
• Automatically apply distributed gravity loads and live load reduction factors.
• Calculate member self-weights for beams, columns, walls, slabs, and decks.
• Generate wind and seismic forces based on multiple international codes, including IS875, IBC, ASCE 7, UBC, and Eurocode.
• Calculate notional loads based on various load types, adhering to codes such as IS800 and AISC 360.
Dynamic Analysis
• Automatically determine structural mass properties, including story mass, center of mass, and mass moment of inertia.
• Optionally include the effects of center of mass offset for accidental torsion moments.
• Perform Response Spectra analysis with options for SRSS or CQC combinations of modal results, considering story mass eccentricity.
Reports, Outputs, and Graphical Features
• Produce detailed design documentation and customizable reports.
• Model efficiently with customizable toolbars, views, display options, and unit systems.
• Generate animated deflected shapes, calculate story drifts, and export frame and wall elevations to CAD DXF.
• Display analysis and design results graphically or in text format, with options for spreadsheet export.
• Obtain comprehensive material takeoff including piece count and steel tonnage for comparison of design schemes.
Steel Standard Design
• Perform member and joint design checks according to various standards, including IS800, AISC 360, BS 5950, CAN/CSA S16, and Eurocode.
• Design column web plates, stiffeners, and calculate effective length factors, flange bracing, and unbraced lengths.
• Interactive control for review and design adjustments.
Steel Seismic Design
• Meet seismic design requirements with systems for concentric and eccentric braced frames, and moment frames.
• Perform additional seismic code checks and automatically generate seismic load combinations.
• Support for seismic zones in various codes, including AISC 341 and FEMA 350.
• Analyze and design specific seismic systems such as Star Seismic and CoreBrace Buckling Restrained Braces, and DuraFuse Moment Frame connections.
Shear Wall Design
• Optimize drift and shear wall force calculations with integrated post-processing modules.
• Use the Drift module to identify key members contributing to drift and optimize their sizes.
• The Shear Wall Force post-processor provides detailed design forces for various sections of the wall.
RAM Structural System simplifies complex structural challenges, allowing engineers to produce accurate designs efficiently while adhering to all relevant codes and standards.