Capture Real-world Conditions and Provide Insight to Your Digital Twins

To improve how you design, construct, operate, and collaborate, add real-world digital context to your projects so you can quickly address infrastructure challenges and make informed decisions. iTwin Capture Modeler enables you to automatically generate multiresolution 3D models at any scale and precision.

Add reliable, up-to-date reality data to all your projects

Reality capture through 3D photogrammetry or laser scanning can be difficult. Save time with Bentley’s solutions and continually produce high-fidelity 3D reality models.

End-to-end solution for adding digital context to your projects

Bentley’s reality modeling software can handle any size, and from many sources including point cloud, imagery, textured 3D mesh, and traditional GIS resources. You can integrate and combine all your reality data into one single digital context. Easily visualize and navigate 3D mapping data real-time in full 2D and 3D. Take advantage of automated measurements and extract features for asset inventory, terrain creation, and asset verification and attribution. Add real-world context throughout the lifecycle of projects in design, construction, and operations.

iTwin Capture Modeler
Produce 3D models of existing conditions for infrastructure projects, derived from photographs and/or point clouds. These highly detailed, 3D reality meshes provide precise real-world context for design, construction, and operations decisions throughout the lifecycle of a project. Develop precise reality meshes affordably with less investment of time and resources in specialized acquisition devices and associated training. You can easily produce 3D models using photos taken with an ordinary camera and/or LiDAR point clouds captured with a laser scanner, resulting in fine details, sharp edges, and geometric accuracy. Dramatically reduce processing time with the ability to run two iTwin Capture Modeler instances in parallel on a single project.

• Multiple camera project management
• Multi-camera rig
• Visible field
• Infrared/thermal imagery
• Videos
• Laser point cloud
• Surface constraints: imported from 3rd party or automatically detected using AI
• Metadata file import

Calibration / Aerotriangulation (AT)
• Automatic calibration / AT / bundle adjustment
• Parallelization ability on iTwin Capture Modeler
• Project size limitation
• Control points management
• Block management for large AT
• Quality report
• Laserscan/photo automatic registration
• Splats display mode

• GEOCS management
• Georeferencing of generated results
• QR-Codes, April tags, and Chili tags: Ground control points automation

• Tiling
• Parallel processing possible on two computers

• GPU based
• Multi-GPU processing based on Vulkan (optional)
• Background processing
• Scripting language support / SDK

• Touch-up capabilities (export/reimport of OBJ/DGN)
o 3D Mesh and orthophoto integrated touch-up capabilities
o 3D mesh and orthophoto touch-up capabilities through third party application
• Orthophoto visualization
• DEM / DSM visualization
• DTM extraction
• Cross-sections
• Contour lines (with Scalable Terrain Model)
• Point cloud filtering and classification
• Modeling feature
• Support of streamed reality meshes
• Create scalable mesh from terrain data
• Volume calculation

Output and Interoperability
• Multiresolution mesh (3MX, 3SM and Cesium 3D Tiles)
• Bentley DGN (mesh element)
• 3D CAD Neutral formats (OBJ, FBX)
• KML export (mesh)
• Esri I3S / I3P
• Other 3D GIS formats (SpacEyes, LOD Tree, OSGB)
• 3D PDF
• AT result export (camera calibration and photo poses)
• DEM / DSM generation
• True orthophoto generation
• Blockwise color equalization
• Point cloud (LAS, LAZ, and POD)
• Input data resolution texture mode
• AT quality report
• Animations (fly-through video generation)
• QR code: 3D spatial registration of assets

• Free iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer
• Web viewing

Measurement and Analysis
• Distances and positions
• Volumes and surfaces
• Input data resolution
• Photo-navigation tool

• Upload to Reality Data Management
• Reality mesh streaming from Reality Data Management
• Associate to CONNECT project
• CONNECT Advisor